It was 1990: Sega, startup gaming co. assembled a team to take on Nintendo, world's greatest video game company. A make or break conflict pit brother against brother, Sonic against Mario and, Am...
Short Circuit是迪士尼动画工作室(Walt Disney Animation Studios)提出的一项实验性动画短片制作计划,按照迪士尼官方给出的说法,“迪士尼动画工作室内部的任何人都能提出自己的创意,这些创意都有机会在工作室的支持下,制作成原创动画短片。这个计划的目标,是在视觉和故事上大胆创新,给新人一个表现机会,以及,进行实验性的技术创新。”...
Chef Jack and his assistant Leonard will travel through the Culinary Islands to participate in the biggest gastronomic competition in the world and, thus, try to defeat their opponents...