Leslie Easterbrook plays the lead role of 'Mother Maggie', a disturbed mother of four who delivers an unimaginable level of abuse to her children while defending her actions with her own twi...
The Taylor's family dog, Max, is kidnapped by the evil Sirus Caldwell, (Zack Ward) CEO of mega corporation Envigormax, to be used as a test subject for a new super energy drink. When trials go t...
少年魔法师在12年大结局后9个月宣告大结局特别篇(第106集)启动 少年魔法师于2007年10月12日正式登陆迪士尼频道,2012年1月6日告别迪士尼频道,是迪士尼三小花旦(Miley,Demi,Selena)之中最晚结束的情景剧(Miley Cyrus - Hanna h Motanna, Demi Lovato - Sonny With a Chance),期间推出的首部电影《Wizar...