Nina, 30, a Ukrainian language teacher who can't leave the city of Luhansk, occupied by separatists in Eastern Ukraine, is forced to undergo retraining courses for teaching Russian. Andrii, 17, is a...
揭露食物浪费的纪录片《Wasted! The Story Of Food Waste》发布预告,多名“厨神”如安东尼·波登、马雷欧·巴塔利等出镜,痛陈浪费食物的现状和危害:在美国40%的食物会被浪费,它们也是破坏生态的温室效应的气体最大来源之一等。而其实很多被人们唾弃的“垃圾”,可以变成好吃的食物。该片在翠贝卡电影节上获得好评,10月13日北美上映。...
This ground-breaking series tells the story of Europe in six glossy episodes exploring different chapters of its eventful history. It’s a journey through time and across space, from physical beginning...
Nova ScienceNow examines the question of whether we can live forever. It looks scientists who are exploring hibernation and building organ replacements and profiles computer scientist Jason Leigh.