The Vigilante Diaries is a high octane action-adventure film featuring 90's movie heroes, explosive action, and international espionage. The film revolves around a team of black-ops agents turne...
一次偶然中,艳压群芳的女孩瑞娜(萨拉·帕克斯顿 Sara Paxton 饰)被时装设计师发掘,以此为契机,她得以进入了外行人看来光鲜亮丽实际上却充满了变数和竞争的模特界。与此同时,曾经在圈内风靡一时之后却销声匿迹的名模桑雅(米莎·巴顿 Mischa Barton 饰)亦回到了阔别已久的舞台,然而,在这个瞬息万变的世界里,桑雅的人气和影响力早已今非昔比。 克瑞斯(本·霍灵斯沃斯 Ben Hollin...
Äsende Elche im inneren Ural, geschmeidige Amur-Tiger am Pazifikstrand, kämpfende Riesenseeadler in Kamtschatka, Eisbären auf der Jagd in der Arktis oder munter tauchende Robben im Baikalsee. Die atem...
Rainer Werner Fassbinder was probably Germany’s most significant post-war director. His swift and dramatic demise at the early age of 37 in 1982 left behind a vacuum in European filmmaking that has ye...