《我的愚蠢之心》是 1949 年获得奥斯卡奖提名的电影,讲述了一个女人反思自己生活中的糟糕转折的故事。它由马克·罗布森执导,达娜·安德鲁斯和苏珊·海沃德主演。改编自 J. D. 塞林格 1948 年的短篇小说《威格利叔叔在康涅狄格州》,它仍然是塞林格作品的唯一授权电影改编;众所周知,电影制片人对他的故事的不忠排除了塞林格其他作品的电影版本的任何可能性,包括麦田里的守望者。...
Seventy years ago this month the bombing of Hiroshima showed the appalling destructive power of the atomic bomb. Mark Cousins’ bold new documentary looks at death in the atomic age, but life too. Us...
After being relegated, the two fighting brothers signed up for a new game. But they didn't know that they need to stay in an arena to fight zombies....