Oliviero is a burned-out writer, living at his estate near Venice, his dead mother dominating his imagination. He is also a degenerate: sleeps with his maid and his ex-student, hosts Bacchanalia for l...
马克(史蒂夫·邦德 Steve Bond 饰)曾经是一位精明强干的警察,拥有神乎其技的枪法。可惜,被金钱迷蒙住了双眼的他收了钱同绑匪里应外合假公济私,导致了被关进了监狱的结局,而他的妻子和孩子亦遭到了黑帮的毒手命丧黄泉。在狱中,马克痛定思痛,决定出狱后一定要为自己的妻儿报仇。 出狱后的马克成为了一名职业杀手,为名叫斯坦恩(Pedro Loeb 饰)的大佬卖命。一次任务中,马克来到了布宜诺斯艾...
In Perugia, a serial-killer is strangling college students. Inspector Martino is in charge of the investigation and has a black and red scarf as the only lead to be followed. He asks the scarf stree...