In this blend of documentary and fictional narrative from pioneering filmmaker Robert Flaherty, the everyday trials of life on Ireland's unforgiving Aran Islands are captured with attention to nat...
Feature documentary about legendary oceanographer, marine biologist, environmentalist and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Sylvia Earle, and her campaign to create a global network of prote...
奇普(Sebastian Banes 饰)是个早熟的六岁男孩,他有两个爸爸:寇迪(Trevor St. John 饰)和乔伊(Patrick Wang 王沛智 饰)。一家三口住在美国田纳西州平静的乡间。当寇迪因车祸意外去世后,乔伊惟有努力面对人生。但正当新生活开始时,却得知寇迪在他未更新的遗嘱中任命了他的姊姊为奇普的监护人。在感恩节假期乔伊带奇普去寇迪姊姊家后,从此再也看不到他的孩子了。乔伊为此走...