When Margaret (Wainwright) and Ben (Gilford) take a weekend trip with longtime friends Ellie (Crew) and Thomas (Santos) and their two young children (Guiza and Mattle), Ben begins to suspect somethi...
Benjy Stone (Mark Linn-Baker) is the junior writer on a top-rated variety/comedy live television show, in the mid 1950's. Young Benjy has a crush on a coworker, K.C. Downing (Jessica Harper), but rath...
This film is based on a true story about a British teenager who allegedly poisoned family, friends, and co-workers. Graham is highly intelligent, but completely amoral. He becomes interested in scie...
Set in 1979 during Argentina's military dictatorship, Benjamín Ávila's stylized, semi-autobiographical memoir follows the travails of a fifth-grader who is forced to live under an assumed id...