TV-Series 1968-1970 "Wacky Races" was created in response to the rather violent adventure/superhero cartoons of the previous two seasons, and even upon its premiere, it was blackballed by...
A fifteen-foot grizzly bear figures out that humans make for a tasty treat. As a park ranger tries rallying his men to bring about the bear's capture or destruction, his efforts are thwarted by th...
汤姆(连姆·尼森 Liam Neeson 饰)曾经是雄霸一方叱咤风云的劫匪,犯下了屡屡大案依然逍遥法外。之后,他邂逅了名为安妮(凯特·沃什 Kate Walsh 饰)的女子,美丽善良的安妮令汤姆坠入了情网之中,甘愿为她放弃自己前途无量的犯罪生涯,不仅如此,他还试图通过归 还赃款的方式,来为自己赎罪。 联邦调查局警探尼文思(杰·科特尼 Jai Courtney 饰)和霍尔(安东尼·拉莫斯 An...