It was 1990: Sega, startup gaming co. assembled a team to take on Nintendo, world's greatest video game company. A make or break conflict pit brother against brother, Sonic against Mario and, Am...
The destination of Emily Wolf, the host of a travel show's next episode happens to be in rural Florida, where her and her cinematograher's old friends live....
劳米·拉佩斯将主演心理剧情新片《我的天使》(Angel of Mine),金·法兰特(《陌生之地》)执导,卢克·戴维斯(《雄狮》)和大卫·里格(泽克和路德)编写剧本。基于2008年法国电影《天使的印记》,围绕一位母亲莉兹展开,几年前她失去了女儿,仍在应对悲剧带来的疼痛,她开始确信一位陌生人的女儿就是她的骨肉。随着她对这一理论的痴迷度日益增长,她与这个小女孩的生活越发纠缠不清,失去了与现实的接触。该...
Golden Bear winner Peter Mackie Burns has started shooting his London-set debut feature Daphne, production company The Bureau has revealed. Emily Beecham [pictured] - who features in the cast of Be...