Set against a backdrop of 1980s Lagos, struggling under the weight of austerity measures and the infamous War Against Indiscipline. In 'Swallow', Kunle Afolayan opts for a retro film look that...
Adam's and Eve's epic journey throughout history trying to find the meaning of human life. Do we grow in wisdom as centuries pass, or just drift towards an inevitable doom?...
阿比没有想到自己的女友原来是个同性恋,气恼的他决定不去上大学,而是在女友经常抨击的美国快餐鸡肉馆里找了份工作。问题是,这家快餐馆建立在印第安人的墓地上,当那些印第安人的灵魂附身到那些死鸡上,将会发生什么事呢? 幕后花絮: 由惊悚喜剧大导演Lloyd Kaufman倾力制造的《Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead 》颠覆了丧尸界一成不变的景象:将丧尸...