法国绅士马德奥(费尔南多•雷依 Fernando Rey 饰)在西班牙乘车回国,在车厢里他遇到了一对母女、一个侏儒以及一个弟弟的朋友。火车发动前,一个女人(莫利纳•安赫拉 Molina Angela 饰)拎着行李匆匆赶来,马德奥向她泼了一桶冷水,这让众人颇为不解。回到车厢后,马德奥跟其他人讲述自己的遭遇:原来这女人是马德奥哥哥家的西班牙女仆孔奇塔(卡洛尔•布盖 Carole Bouquet 饰)。...
曼莫(路易斯•费尔南多•佩纳 Luis Fernando Peña 饰)与父母生活在墨西哥小镇桑塔安那,靠务农为生。德里奥水公司在附近河流建坝拦水,至使整个地区严重缺水。高昂的水价致使走投无路的农民去坝上偷水。德里奥水公司在美国境内的总部则雇佣飞行员鲁迪(雅各布•维加斯 Jacob Vargas 饰)通过精神连线遥控操作无人轰炸机打击“恐怖分子”保护水坝,炸毁了曼莫的住所,曼莫的父亲被当场杀死...
When Max Causey was six, he accidentally killed Santa. 12 years later, Max rectifies his mistake by resurrecting him, but soon realizes the creature he created is a bloodthirsty killer and it's head...
Todd and Terry are twins. They are blonde, cute, bright and identical in every respect, with one exception. One of them is a murderer. This starts one night at a drive-in theater when a teenager was s...