腰缠万贯的法国富豪阿兰(费尔南多·雷依 Fernando Rey 饰)手上运作着全球最大的海洛因走私网,警方多番追踪仍无法将其落网,卧底警察也被残忍杀害。而在另一头的纽约城,侦探道尔(吉恩·哈克曼 Gene Hackman 饰)和鲁索(罗伊·施奈德 Roy Scheider 饰)还在酒吧中与当地贩毒分子交锋,浑然不知阿兰正在计划将一笔3200万美元的海洛因走私入美国。然而没过多久,在一次跟踪行动中...
The "Jack Squad” is the urban tale of three women who have nothing but money on their minds after each one has a loss of financial in***e. Childhood best friends Kennedy, Mona, and Dawn embark ...
An elderly dementia patient must decide whether to leave this world under his own conditions, before he loses his dignity, or give in to his loving family and nursing home roommates' appeals to figh...
In an ambitious, ground-breaking approach to drama and history, historian Lucy Worsley time travels back to the Tudor Court to witness some of the most dramatic moments in the lives of Henry VIII’s Si...
劳米·拉佩斯将主演心理剧情新片《我的天使》(Angel of Mine),金·法兰特(《陌生之地》)执导,卢克·戴维斯(《雄狮》)和大卫·里格(泽克和路德)编写剧本。基于2008年法国电影《天使的印记》,围绕一位母亲莉兹展开,几年前她失去了女儿,仍在应对悲剧带来的疼痛,她开始确信一位陌生人的女儿就是她的骨肉。随着她对这一理论的痴迷度日益增长,她与这个小女孩的生活越发纠缠不清,失去了与现实的接触。该...