史蒂文·泰勒(迈克尔·道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)身为一位叱咤华尔街的百万富豪,金钱和地位却始终无法令他满足,他渴望的是妻子艾米丽(格温妮斯·帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow 饰)的忠贞爱情,但却从来吝于表达自己对她的爱。美貌与才情兼备的艾米丽并不想成为丈夫身边的一只花瓶,工作之余她偶然结识了才华横溢的穷画家戴维·肖(维果·莫腾森 Viggo Mortensen 饰),...
What really brings a small community together? When everything is at stake and sides are being taken, what does it take to stand up against the majority? And what are the consequences of raising boy...
A businessman mysteriously wakes up in an open-air prison cell with only an old grist mill. Forced to work as a beast of burden, he must find a way to escape before the birth of his child....
蕾妮·齐薇格将领衔主演NBC犯罪题材限定剧《关于帕姆的那些事》(The Thing About Pam,暂译),齐薇格同时担任执行制作人。该剧将围绕2011年NBC播报的真实犯罪新闻Betsy Faria谋杀案的背后故事展开,Russ Faria谋杀了妻子Betsy Faria,而这一案件则与美国妇女Pamela Marie Hupp2016年在密苏里州奥法伦市的家中谋杀了Louis Gump...