城市女孩安娜(艾米·亚当斯 Amy Adams 饰)与男友杰里米(亚当·斯科特 Adam Scott 饰)相恋四年,共同申请购买波士顿顶级豪华社区的高尚住宅。安娜本以为杰里米要向自己求婚,失望后听从父亲建议,飞往爱尔兰首都都柏林,打算依照爱尔兰传统,在闰年的2月29日这天向在都柏林参加医学会议的杰里米求婚。没想到飞机遭遇气流,迫降威尔士加的夫。安娜从加的夫雇船航行至爱尔兰丁格尔半岛,狼狈不堪中...
In World War II Washington DC, Jamie Rowan, enters a loveless marriage with scientist Pat Jamieson and becomes his assistant. Struggles bring them closer together....
安吉丽娜·朱莉通过Netflix宣布,她将执导该公司出品的全新电影作品《First They Killed My Father》。影片聚焦红色高棉政权时期的柬埔寨,其养子马多克斯将出演。 影片改编自柬埔寨裔美国女性作家Loung Ung的回忆录《First They Killed My Father A Daugher of Cambodia Remembers》,讲述了她在柬埔寨红色高棉统治时...
The movie focuses on existing malpractices in country's education system, the whole concept of buying your way through education, jobs and earnings. Even with an evolving education system, the country...
Two married couples become increasingly agitated with each other as they find out things about each other's past, while one of them is reviving disturbing packages from an unknown source...
柬埔寨首部大型动作片。意大利导演 Jimmy Henderson,2011年移居柬埔寨。由构思开始,他便想拍一部困在一个空间的群打片。电影以传统柬埔寨武术作卖点,动作部份媲美2011年印尼的《突击死亡塔》。故事讲述警队拘捕罪犯Playboy,点知原来Playboy另有「大佬」,蝴蝶夫人才是真正的大家姐。为免Playboy洩露社团机密,大家姐悬红追杀他,惹来监狱一片恶斗,各人对Playboy虎视眈眈...