作为一枚政治筹码,海军情报官欧尼尔(黛咪·摩尔 Demi Moore 饰)成为了美国历史上第一个参加特种部队“海豹突击队”训练的女性军官。凭借此事,一直呼吁男女平等的参议员狄海雯(安妮·班克罗夫特 Anne Bancroft 饰)获得了诸多选票。然而,利欲熏心的狄海雯根本就不关心欧尼尔作为个体的感受和遭遇,因为她心里明白,欧尼尔根本不可能完成特种部队里残酷而又可怕的训练。 让所有人大吃一惊的...
Three companions are frightened by a horrible ghost that haunts their dorm. Tired of running away, they summon a spirit to help them defeat the ghost. But things turn chaos when they can't control a...
At a haunted apartment block populated mostly by ladyboys and cross-dressers, Taew opens a new apartment but soon someone commits suicide in a room - or maybe its murder. That is the start of crazy ...
The coming of age drama portray the relentless pursuit of the layman, the oppressed section of society who is in a constant struggle and fight to reclaim their unique identity and rightful place in ...