An ex-couple accidentally bumps into each other whenever they visit their dog’s grave on its death anniversary. These chance meetings will later lead to a passionate reunion of the two...
The story of a young man coming face to face with his hero (Jeff Daniels) and exploring the tangled relationship between the dreams of youth and the wisdom of age....
当埃米尔乘公共汽车去柏林看望他的祖母和他的堂兄时,他的钱被一个专门挖地道的骗子偷走了。埃米尔必须把钱拿回来,因为这是给他祖母的。在跟踪小偷的过程中,埃米尔遇到了古斯塔夫,他是一个有进取心的小男孩,他召集了所有的朋友帮助埃米尔找到钱。 Emil 的表弟也卷入其中,当 Emil 的扒手被证明与几个臭名昭著的银行劫匪混在一起时,他们陷入了比预想的更多的麻烦。...