Ronald s high school valedictory address praises books and condemns sports. His girlfriend Mary condemns his attitude. He fears losing her to rival Jeff, decides to go to college and pay more attent...
Lucid Dreaming forces the dreamer's dreamworld to merge with his waking one. But at what cost to the dreamer's grasp on reality? Dreams are doorways, but what are they really for? And, if yo...
主持人Graham Bell和Ed Leigh穿越天寒地冻的加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省,前往2010年冬奥会的起源地。一路上,他们拜访了与世隔绝的偏远居民,了解他们是如何在冰天雪地里生活的。他们走访了当地的矿工、伐木工和猎手。最后他们徒步翻越海岸山脉来到冬奥场馆Whistler。(文: life_is_good@YDY) Graham Bell and Ed Leigh journey sout...