Bridgeport, January 2008. A teenage girl is found hanged in her room. While everything points to suicide, the autopsy report reveals something else. Ten years later, the director and cousin of the t...
本片根据纽约市的英籍神经医师奥利佛·萨克斯(Oliver Sacks)的同名回忆录改编。1969年,羞怯内向但对实验充满热忱的脑科医生马尔科姆·塞尔(罗宾·威廉姆斯 Robin Williams 饰)来到纽约市布朗克斯区一家医院,对院内的强直性昏厥证患者进行治疗。在护士埃莉诺(朱莉·卡夫娜 Julie Kavner 饰)的帮助和鼓励下,塞尔医生对病人大胆用药,使一群昏厥几十年的患者重获新生,尤...
After the paradox destroys time, The Reds and Blues are forced to relive their pasts on loop while Genkins tries to create more paradoxes to help Chrovos escape her new confinement by Donut....
The film is the third instalment in Trier’s Oslo trilogy after his acclaimed Reprise and Oslo, August 31st. The Worst Person in the World is a modern dramedy about the quest for love and its meaning i...
Since the death of their father and mother, Ambar and Dika move to a nursing home owned by their parents' best friend and their son, Agus. There are three people in the nursing home of Masa Toea...