尼克(鲍比•坎波 Bobby Campo 饰)携女友洛丽(珊特尔•范圣藤 Shantel VanSanten 饰)和朋友亨特(尼克•扎诺 Nick Zano 饰)及女友简妮(海莉•魏波)到赛车场观看赛车表演,尼克突然预见某辆赛车将发生事故冲向人群,部分看台坍塌,他与朋友全部丧生。惊慌失措的尼克强迫朋友随他离开赛场,并惊动了保安乔治(麦凯尔泰•威廉逊 Mykelti Williamson)及其他四位...
瑞恩(Ryan Slater 饰)的爸爸迈克尔(史蒂芬·朗 Stephen Lang 饰)在中国四川大熊猫保护区工作,从小,瑞恩就对爸爸的工作和神秘的熊猫充满了向往和憧憬。暑假来临,这一次,瑞恩终于有机会能够亲临迈克尔的工作场所,这让她感到格外兴奋。 然而,瑞恩刚刚抵达目的地,保护区内便发生了一起偷猎事件,一只熊猫妈妈和它刚出生不久的宝宝遭到了偷猎分子的残忍迫害,顾不上儿子,迈克尔立刻赶往现...
When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He gradually succumbs to the poison of the decaying relationship, becoming a crea...
The Future of Work and Death is a documentary concerning the growth of exponential technology and where it is taking us. The film focuses on how future technology could significantly change the two ...