世界上又多了一个杀人不眨眼的冷血杀手,注定又将引起一场惊涛骇浪。绰号金枪人的职业杀手几乎百发百中,没有他完成不了的任务,由此成为世界各恐怖组织争相高酬聘请的对象。同一时间,英国军方为了取回可将太阳能95\\%转化的高效率太阳能转化器(万一这种厉害的武器落入恐怖分子手中后果不堪设想),007邦德(罗杰•摩尔 Roger Moore 饰)奉命出动了。恐怖组织为了阻止007的行动,高薪聘请了金枪人来...
Paul (Morgan) investigates his late father's increasingly disturbing past and becomes suspicious of the mysterious, melancholic, and possibly dangerous, Madeleine (Ardant)....
An impassive young girl is taken from her suicidal London life, back to her home in North England on a bizarre bus trip. Seen through the poetic eye of the camera, this is a commentary of doomed Briti...