In this sequel film, all the characters remain the same; Al is still unemployed, Jane still has show-biz aspirations for boyfriend Steve; Steve and Seymour are still partners, and Irma is still Irma...
All those years, all those dreams, all those men... one of them is going to be a star. 故事梗概: 俄国沙皇统治时期的美国,虽然有皇家哥萨克卫队维持着国家秩序,但行同虚设的维持在俄军残酷的杀戮面前显得力不从心。为此,美国人民在俄军惨无人道的杀戮下,过着朝不保夕、流浪乞讨的生活。奥米和妈妈也被迫离乡,在茫然...
'Mothman' was yet another miserable 'original' film that SyFy decided to torture viewers with. Who at the SyFy Network is drinking the wrong Kool-Aid? They need to hire knowledgeable...