Avery is an unadventurous schoolteacher whose sister secretly signs her up for The Great Holiday Dash, a Christmas-themed reality competition show where she's paired with former hockey player Wes. D...
Luden, a six-part series on the pimps who controlled the red light district in Hamburg at the end of the 1970s. It centers on the rise of Sonny Boy Klaus Barkowsky, who is made into a pimp by the toug...
作家@Howl_sairy 的作品改编制作剧集,分为东南西北四个故事,八位主角演员招募中
四个故事,四对夫夫,全部改编自“永远是你Fourever You Project”项目。
东方East : 标记!你是我的Tag!, You're mine
北方North :你的爱有多少? How much is your love ?
南方South : 在天空旁Besid...
It's down and dirty time. Splinter is imprisoned. Leo is dying of poison. Don and Usagi are fighting for their lives and the life of the Daimyo against a horde of assassins....