The Mighty Ducks, an intergalactic ice-hockey team from another dimension, are trapped on Earth during a fight against their archrival. With no way to get home, they build their headquarters moxia.c...
A homicide detective goes undercover as a patient to investigate a psychotherapist he believes is linked to a strange double murder. As his therapy sessions continue the line between fantasy and rea...
故事发生在南美洲殖民统治西班牙的时代,在殖民者残暴的统治之下,百姓民不聊生,过着苦不堪言的日子。新总督盖尔在上任的途中遭到暗杀,临死之前,他将自己的任职书交给了他最信赖的朋友唐(亨利·达罗 Henry Darrow 配音),希望他能够代替自己完成遗志。 一晃眼数月过去,民间开始流传起关于一位蒙面黑衣剑客佐罗的传说,他劫富济贫惩奸除恶,总会在现场留下大大的“Z”,来震慑那些不法之徒。随着时间的...