After investing all his savings to travel with his son to the World Cup, Lucho is shocked when he learns that the Argentine team gets disqualified from the games. He and a handful of his ...
In an adventure comedy, brothers Snot and Splash (R?k? and Roiskis) try to catch a thief who is stealing holes in town, only to end up saving the entire world from being sucked into a collapsing waste...
由西班牙导演伊格尼斯(Álex de la Iglesia)所执导的《球神梅西》自传电影,完整描述阿根廷足球天王巨星梅西(Lionel Messi)童年时期到成名,是一部半纪录半剧情片,片中访问了包含梅西的朋友、队友、教练、足球界明星球员等,并在罗萨里奥、布宜诺斯艾利斯、巴塞隆纳等三地取景。 「我们知道他在场上宛如天才,我们也想知道他在场下是什么样的人。」 梅西的童年采用剧情片模式「重现」,剧...