Chef Jack and his assistant Leonard will travel through the Culinary Islands to participate in the biggest gastronomic competition in the world and, thus, try to defeat their opponents...
Film tells the story of a Russian spy to performing a task in London. The main character has to solve complex problems related to the very essence of the work of a spy: bribery, blackmail and even mur...
这部纪录片共分Paris The Great Saga(巴黎:伟大的传奇)和Paris a Capital Tale(巴黎:首都的历史)两部分。巴黎伟大的传奇采用电影和纪录片相结合的拍摄手法,利用最新的3D重构技术再现了巴黎5000年的辉煌历史。巴黎首都的历史按时间先后又分Capital of Change(昙花一现的首都)、 Capital of Kings(王国之都)、Capital of R...
The film stars Libuse Safránková as the title character, a young woman who is put upon by her stepmother and stepsisters. The film employs a twist, though, when a handsome prince comes knocking. Cinde...