Harold Evans爵士在《星期日泰晤士报》供职的十四年(1967-1981)中,发表并推进了一系列影响重大的深度调查类报道。在那个年代,他能够调动手中的资源,组成记者工作小组,长期调查某一新闻项目。他曾经曝光英国情报机构高等官员Kim Philby实际是英国间谍,而在本片中,Harold Evans则讲述了他对反应停事件长期的追踪报道以及为之所进行的抗争。“反应停”最初在二战中被德方用来治...
Late sixteenth century. A Tameme Indian man and a noble Spanish woman flee through the forests of the New World in search of freedom. Their frantic journey softens the tension between them and dissolv...
A strong plot and mutual physical attraction binds the sensual Enzo since adolescence and her cousin Agata: the two are happy with amusement tricks erotic equivocally poised between innocence and ma...