Under orders from a ruthless crime boss, a getaway driver must battle his conscience and drive an unsuspecting crew member to an ambush execution. There is a long drive ahead....
Under orders from a ruthless crime boss, a getaway driver must battle his conscience and drive an unsuspecting crew member to an ambush execution. There is a long drive ahead....
Under orders from a ruthless crime boss, a getaway driver must battle his conscience and drive an unsuspecting crew member to an ambush execution. There is a long drive ahead....
Alfred I.duPont Columbia和皮博迪奖获奖电影制作人Lynn Novick(《越南战争》)执导并制作了一部新的纪录片系列《酒吧背后的大学》,通过被监禁的男女的经历揭示了高等教育的变革力量。这部四小时的电视剧将于2019年11月在WITF电视台播出。该系列从近400个小时的cinéma-vérité镜头中提炼出来,探讨了十几名被监禁的男女在巴德监狱倡议(BPI)中努力获得学位的生...