莫里斯(詹姆斯·梅森 James Mason 饰)是一个名不见经传的小小裁缝,经济非常的拮据,在外债台高筑。一次偶然中,莫里斯被错认成为了一名出身高贵的公爵,被邀请参加了一场只有当地名流才能够参加的酒会。在酒会上,莫里斯温文尔雅的谈吐和谦卑的态度获得了所有人的喜欢,没有人怀疑,眼前这个举止高雅的年轻人,他的真实身份是一个穷光蛋。 只有家里的小女儿珍妮特(艾娃·加德纳 Ava Gardner 饰)...
Mercedes (Marga Lopez) dances for money with the clients of Salon Mexico, a famous cabaret in Mexico City. Her younger sister Beatriz (Derbez) studies in an expensive private school, paid by Mercedes....
When two russian captains of cavalry came to a German post station one of them recalls what happened long time ago. He begins to tell the story Ten years ago a comrade of them made a resting at the po...