帕克(艾玛·贝尔 Emma Bell 饰)对男友丹(凯文·席格斯 Kevin Zegers 饰)的死党林奇(肖恩·阿什莫 Shawn Ashmore 饰)成见颇深。一日,三人结伴去滑雪,到达时滑雪场即将关门,他们买通检票员乘上了上山的缆车。检票员临时有事离去,来换班的工作人员在不知情的情况下拉掉了滑雪场的电闸,锁上大门准备离开,滑雪场即将进入为时数月的封山期,帕克一行人就这样被悬挂在半山腰上下维艰...
Several characters including medical personnel and food-delivery riders, play their part in Malaysia's handling of the Covid-19 pandemic in its first few months....
通常,摩托车冒险始于骑行,但对于这六位澳大利亚车手来说,它是从车库开始的。任务是将他们的公路自行车改造成终极越野机器。唯一的指南 - 塔斯马尼亚必须提供的最具挑战性地形的粗略路线图。 Wide of the Mark 是摩托车冒险电影的新领域。手工制造的摩托车,由一小群充满活力的年轻人驾驶,他们生活在星空下,追逐世界上最著名的野蛮小径,这些小径时不时出现抛锚、撞车和路边维修。...
A wagon load of convicts on their way to prison is being escorted through the mountains by a cavalry troop. They are attacked by a bandit gang, and only a sergeant, his beautiful young daughter and an...