安德烈(阿列克塞·古斯科夫 Aleksei Guskov 饰)被盛赞为音乐天才,曾经当过俄国最伟大的交响乐团“波修瓦”的著名的乐队指挥。但因拒绝驱逐乐团里的犹太乐手,包括他最好的朋友——沙查(迪米特里·纳扎罗夫 Dmitri Nazarov 饰)而被解雇,染上了酗酒的毛病。“波修瓦”现在的经理为了愚弄和羞辱安德烈,让他留在乐团当清洁工。安德烈在无意之中发现了一份传真,法国巴黎最大的普莱耶音乐厅...
Sibling adventurers come under attack from jungle animals while searching for their missing father. As they fight back against the relentless onslaught, they soon start to realize something much mor...
In the 1970s, one entrepreneur took America for a ride. All roads lead to #TheLadyAndTheDale, premiering January 31 at 9PM on HBO Max. From Emmy-winning producers Mark and Jay Duplass, The Lady A...
Because too much is never enough! The boys of Jackass are at it again with an all-new unrated movie loaded with even more outrageous stunts, stupids, and never-before-seen-pranks and mayhem, including...