一个雕塑家帕罗在很久以后遇到了他以前的恋人阿克·劳拉。但是他却被她15岁的女儿劳拉 Laura(道恩·邓莱普 Dawn Dunlap 饰)深深吸引,她长相酷似其母,当帕罗爱上她的时候,女儿劳拉也很喜欢他。但她母亲出于忌妒,阻止他们继续联系,她只允许帕罗用劳拉的照片(裸体写真艺术照片),为她雕像! 这部影片属于情色的经典电影之一,导演是大卫·汉密尔顿 David Hamilton,著名的情...
A woman fights to protect herself and her son from her obsessive ex-husband after he buries her alive but she manages to escape, leading to a final struggle to ensure her son's safety....
Shakespeare once said, "what tangled webs we weave", and this is the through-line of On the Fringe of Wild. Peter is a young gay man whose father is trying to make a man of him by taking h...
A team of loggers discover a meth cook site in the middle of the forest and are forced to fight for their lives while being hunted by a drug cartel....
科林(Judith M. Brown 饰)遭到了谋杀的指控,被关入了位于菲律宾的监狱里,等待着她的,是长达20年的牢狱之灾。人高马大的格利尔(帕姆·格里尔 Pam Grier 饰)是监狱里的大姐大,她一眼就相中了与众不同的科林,想要逼迫她委身于自己,但个性倔强的科林怎么可能就范,在反抗格利尔的过程中,科林和名叫邦妮(帕特·伍德尔 Pat Woodell 饰)的女囚成为了朋友。 某日,科林被女警官...