Madness, mayhem, and mummification rites ensue when a documentary filmmaker visits the rural commune of an Ancient Egyptian inspired cult to interview its enigmatic leader....
俄罗斯年度电影大片《蝴蝶之吻》(英文名:《Kiss Of Butterfly》)就曾专程来到中国数次,为寻找片中女主角——一个现代中国女孩“莉”,寻找过程可谓煞费苦心。最终此片选定蓝燕出演女一号。听蓝燕介绍《蝴蝶之吻》的导演是俄罗斯著名导演“安东西尔维斯” anton sivers,男主角是俄罗斯影帝“赛瑞奇” sergey bezrukov,这部投资高达2000万元人民币的大制作电影讲述的是...
Each week viewers see the gritty reality of life in a New York City Police unit as the officers go about their work with a grim determination. Two partners, Detectives Andy Sipowicz and John Kelley ...