Elena, Koko, Patso and Gosho are high school students in a small provincial town. They are inseparable friends that share the belief that they are «losers». Koko is in love with Elena. The girl want...
真糟糕,米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)的菜园子遭了虫灾,各种各样的小虫子在他的菜地开起了派对,大快朵颐。这一天,他和布鲁托(品托·考维格 Pinto Colvig 配音)蹑手蹑脚来到菜地,趁虫子们不注意喷洒农药,虫子们迅速逃跑,钻进洞中。米奇得胜而归,去菜地旁补充新的农药。与此同时,虫子们迅速返回,继续他们的蚕食盛宴。配制了最新农药的米奇不小心被布鲁托撞倒,农药弥漫空气中...
阳光明媚的一天,心情愉悦的米妮(塞尔玛·博德曼 Thelma Boardman 配音)哼着小曲,从烤箱捧出喷香诱人的蛋糕。蛋糕的香气飘啊飘,刚好被路过的米奇(沃尔特·迪斯尼 Walt Disney 配音)闻到。米奇垂涎欲滴,祈求米妮能分给他一点,但是被这位高傲的小姐拒绝了。于是米奇许诺帮助米妮打扫院落,以换取吃蛋糕的资格。得到女主人的同意后,米奇充满干劲地开始打扫起来。就在这时,一个恼人的家伙...
Pierre is a famous writer and explorer. But one drunken night, a terrible fall leaves him in a coma. When he wakes up, barely standing up and against everyone's advice, he decides to explore Fra...