In Terror Train 2, it has been over a year since a series of gruesome, vengeful murders took the lives of multiple college seniors aboard the now infamous Terror Train. Alana (Robyn Alomar) is coerc...
36岁的公司职员贝葛娜(劳拉·莫兰特 Laura Morante 饰)性感美丽,但是她雍容端庄的外表下却有着常人难以理解的疯狂与放荡。她与家人的关系格外紧张,特立独行且显得愤世嫉俗。她似乎始终在寻找爱情,却又不相信爱情,每时每刻周游在各类男人之间,尽情享受肉体的欢愉,然而总也找不到可以依靠的港湾。无论是年龄悬殊的老画家,还是故作严肃的同事,抑或是多年未见的情人,又或者是初出茅庐面带青涩的大男孩(M...
In the midst of summer, Alex, a successful influencer, invites a few friends to her small isolated country house. One evening, after streaming a live video, they are visited by a particularly persiste...