戴维·塞维尔(杰森·李 Jason Lee 饰)是洛杉矶一名郁郁不得志的词曲作者,他不分白天黑夜,努力创作,但作品总也得不到唱片公司老板的赏识。某天,满腔愤怒的戴维在家中大发雷霆,这时,三只来自大山的花栗鼠艾尔文(贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long 配音)、西蒙(马修·格雷·古柏勒 Matthew Gray Gubler 配音)、西尔多(杰西·麦卡尼 Jesse McCartney 配音)闯入...
Young female fighter pilots arrive to the frontline. They have different stories and different fates. They are getting older, falling in love and lose their closest ones as well as take their place ...
When 38-year-old Natasha is unexpectedly landed with a baby, her life of doing what she wants, when she wants, dramatically implodes. Controlling, manipulative and with violent powers, the baby twis...
The mother loves her daughter; the daughter loves her mother. The tragedy of misunderstood love. The adaptation of Magda Szabó's novel translated into twelve languages....
暴风雨侵袭中的大西洋城,一场拳赛正在体育馆中预备上演,当地警探瑞克(尼古拉斯·凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)在敲诈赌客之余亦不忘为老拳王泰勒打气。这场比赛同时吸引到了国防部长莅临现场,担任部长护卫的海军长官凯文得以同老友瑞克见面,两人相谈甚欢。拳赛开始后,一名红发女子吸引了凯文的注意,另一名银发女子则与部长交头接耳,泰勒中拳倒地的刹那,部长中枪,凶手被凯文当场击毙。瑞克为自责中的凯文出谋划策...
Although the title would indicate this feature has a religious theme, it refers only to men between the ages of 30 and 33. Juraj (Jiri Sykora) is a recent graduate of the art institute who is uncertai...