When a group of horny teens wind up on the grounds of a creepy abandoned asylum, they think they’ve found the perfect place to party. Little do they know that inside the building’s crumbling walls l...
我们的反常规干探艾索(艾迪•墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)又回来了!艾索身为底特律的刑警,却三番四次跑到了洛山矶去破案,这次也不例外。艾索被派遣调查一宗谋杀案,他发现了案中的一连串线索,顺藤摸瓜之下最终追踪到了洛山矶比佛利山上一个大型游乐场的主人。 回到久违的洛山矶,艾索当然要找到前两集的最佳拍档――洛山矶刑警比利(祖德•莱茵霍尔德 Judge Reinhold 饰)。于是比利和艾索两...
科林(Judith M. Brown 饰)遭到了谋杀的指控,被关入了位于菲律宾的监狱里,等待着她的,是长达20年的牢狱之灾。人高马大的格利尔(帕姆·格里尔 Pam Grier 饰)是监狱里的大姐大,她一眼就相中了与众不同的科林,想要逼迫她委身于自己,但个性倔强的科林怎么可能就范,在反抗格利尔的过程中,科林和名叫邦妮(帕特·伍德尔 Pat Woodell 饰)的女囚成为了朋友。 某日,科林被女...
Simon Baker stars as Travis Hurley, a detective who arrives in a small Australian outback city to research a twenty-year-old unsolved homicide of a neighborhood Aboriginal lady. Forming bonds with t...
A couple on the verge of a nasty divorce attempt to sell their empty love nest and move on with their lives, separately. After a successful open house they are horrified to discover, days later, tha...