The film centers on the Herdman kids, who are the absolute worst. They lie, they steal, they bully… and they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant. As the rowdy and raucous siblings force themselve...
The film centers on the Herdman kids, who are the absolute worst. They lie, they steal, they bully… and they’ve hijacked the town Christmas pageant. As the rowdy and raucous siblings force themselves...
A hip guardian angel named Bobby Fantana, who died in a car race in the 60s, reluctantly agrees to watch over a lonely 80s high schooler who needs guidance on how to become cool....
迈尔斯(伍迪·艾伦 Woody Allen 饰)本是一间食品店的店主,在去医院看病的过程中意外遭到了冷冻,这一冻就是两百年。两百年后,迈尔斯从沉睡中苏醒,世界早已经发生了翻天覆地的变化,残暴集权的统治者巨细靡遗的控制着他的人民生老病死,而“横空出世”的迈尔斯显然成为了这个社会中的极为不安定的因素。
Bad Candy 讲述了当地的万圣节故事,讲述了新塞勒姆社区的神话和经验教训。凭借一年一度的 Psychotronic FM 万圣节节目,重演电台 DJ Chilly Billy 和 Paul 编织了过去多年的超自然故事。在这个小镇上,对大多数人来说这是一个肮脏的结局,但少数好人会幸存下来吗?...
为全身心投入创作,美丽迷人的作家珍妮弗(莎拉·巴特勒 Sarah Butler 饰)驱车来到一个偏僻乡间撰写小说。她的绰约身子在当地俨然一道靓丽乃至刺眼的风景,自然吸引了许多人的注意和妄念。她闲适恬淡的心情并未持续多久,似乎总有无数双眼睛在背后紧紧注视着她。某晚,与珍妮弗有过一面之缘的加油站工人乔尼(杰夫·布兰森 Jeff Branson 饰)带领伙伴们闯入她的房间,虽然她奋力反抗,但在这片法...