This is commonly known as Jean Renoir's first American film (1941), although Renoir scholar Alexander Sesonske has established that Renoir's creative role in the project was severely hampere...
After troubled teen Katie is sentenced to house arrest, she falls for an attractive young man named John who has just moved in next door. While their affair seems harmless at first, Katie becomes incr...
When a conman discovers his son is abducted, he is forced to drive the streets of Sydney completing an escalating series of trials to appease the kidnapper, and atone for his career of deception....
芝加哥发生了一桩震惊全城的恐怖血案。当地一间教堂的主教罗森惨遭杀害,身上被刻上神秘数字,警方逮捕了当时在场身染血迹的犯罪嫌疑人阿伦( Edward Norton 饰)。马丁(理查•基尔 Richard Gere 饰)作为阿伦的辩护律师,和他的前女友检控官珍妮特较上了劲。 马丁并不在乎事实,他为阿伦辩护的唯一目的就是要赢得官司,让自己一战成名。而珍妮特作为正义的代表当然寸步不让。珍妮特(劳拉•...