The Maynards and their children lead an almost perfect billionaire family life. Amon is a passionate hunter, but doesn’t shoot animals, as the family's wealth allows them to live totally free from con...
The Maynards and their children lead an almost perfect billionaire family life. Amon is a passionate hunter, but doesn’t shoot animals, as the family's wealth allows them to live totally free from con...
National Geographic embarks on an expedition into the mysterious world of ancient American history to shed a different light on the history of the Americas.
History books traditionally depict the p...
Charlie(迈克尔•道格拉斯 Michael Douglas 饰)在圣克莱塔行为健康院疗养了两年后,终于获准出院。两年间,Charlie的精神趋于正常,却开始痴迷于一批古老的西班牙宝藏,还把自己的女儿Miranda(埃文•蕾切尔•伍德 Evan Rachel Wood 饰)也拖下了水。 在艰难的寻宝历程中,父女二人冲突不断,纠结多年的矛盾开始爆发,但是父女之间的亲情渐渐冰释,越发浓烈。最终...