In 2245, the Earth’s sun has dwindled and no longer provides the energy needed to sustain human life.Five hired mercenaries travel to an uncharted planet to collect a rare mineral known as stardust ...
Russell gives a moving performance as sister Elizabeth Kenny, the dedicated nurse who crusaded for the treatment of infantile paralysis. Academy Award Nominations Best Actress--Rosalind Russell....
An animated comedy about two-step brothers who find inventive things to do on each day of their summer vacation such as building a roller coaster out of materials you would find in your everyday home ...
身着一身白西装的戴夫(艾迪·墨菲 Eddie Murphy 饰)看起来是个彬彬有礼的中年人,虽然身处现代纽约的他总显得和这个年代、这个大都市格格不入,但谁能想到,这个看起来非常真实的“人”其实是一架人形飞船,身体里住着许多四分之一英寸高的外星小人,他们来到地球,想寻求解救自己星球的方法,不料却先在让飞船适应地球生活上经受了极大的考验,惹了一堆麻烦之后,谁想到飞船竟然自主爱上了一个美丽的地球女人吉娜...
罗兰·拉菲特([她])、艾玛纽尔·贝克特([我的国王])主演新片[外出时刻]( L’heure de la sortie,暂译)进入拍摄后期。本片由塞巴斯蒂安·马赫尼耶自编自导。故事讲述皮埃尔因一位年轻老师自杀,作为填补进入圣·约瑟夫学院工作。他很快发现这里青少年散发着一种敌意。本片预计8月2日杀青。...