It follows Ayef. She has no time for love because of her dream of becoming an animator. She meets Manny, and they agree to a convenient relationship that will expire on the month she is set to leave...
Ally McBeal and Billy Thomas were going steady throughout their childhoods. Ally even followed Billy to Harvard law school despite having no interest in law. But when Billy chose to pursue a career ...
美国东部,位于波士顿近郊的查尔斯城,俨然一个被法制遗忘的失乐园。城中爱尔兰裔的工薪阶层占有很大比例,区域贫困的生活条件和令人无法喘息的压力让人们铤而走险,银行抢劫案时有发生,一切都变得癫狂无望。某个早晨,美丽的银行经理人克莱尔·吉塞(丽贝卡·豪尔 Rebecca Hall 饰)遭遇一伙头戴骷髅面具的劫匪,而她更被劫持为人质。奇怪的是,克莱尔最终意外生还,似乎这个早晨的变故从未发生过一样。一天,她邂...