Goldie, a precocious teenager in a family shelter, wages war against the system to keep her sisters together while she pursues her dreams of being a dancer. This is a story about displaced youth, ambi...
Written by Tony Grounds and made by BBC Drama Production for BBC One, Our Girl will return to our screens with Two Section on an African mission, with a new female medic at their centre. Michelle Ke...
Following the final episode of series two, the BBC subsequently announced that the series had been commissioned for a third run. Michelle Keegan, Luke Pasqualino and Ben Aldridge were later confirme...
在Molly完成了战斗医护兵(CMT,Combat Medical Technician)的训练后,她随着新的第二分队被部署到阿富汗营地,而第二分队所有士兵都是男性。当发现Dylan Smith(昵称Smurf,曾经与Molly有过一夜情)也在第二分队时她感到很不舒服,并且与被誉为英雄的自傲的队长Charles James一开始就相处不好。到达阿富汗后,Molly迅速摆脱了了最初的震惊和胆怯,...