The film came out as "Detective Belli", starring Franco Nero, then a European heart-throb when the movie came out. Nero plays against type as an unrepentantly corrupt police detective. Dur...
雷奥(克里斯多弗·兰伯特 Christopher Lambert 饰)曾经是一名出尽风头的拳击手,退役后来到加勒比海边的小城卡塔赫纳定居。然而告别了辉煌的职业生涯,他突然对生活茫然无措,只终日混迹酒吧颓废度日。直到有一天,他迫于生计应聘了一个护工工作,负责照看一个因车祸导致全身瘫痪的女人莫伊尔(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)。曾经干练好胜的女强人莫伊尔,自从车祸无情地夺走她的行...
雷奥(克里斯多弗·兰伯特 Christopher Lambert 饰)曾经是一名出尽风头的拳击手,退役后来到加勒比海边的小城卡塔赫纳定居。然而告别了辉煌的职业生涯,他突然对生活茫然无措,只终日混迹酒吧颓废度日。直到有一天,他迫于生计应聘了一个护工工作,负责照看一个因车祸导致全身瘫痪的女人莫伊尔(苏菲·玛索 Sophie Marceau 饰)。曾经干练好胜的女强人莫伊尔,自从车祸无情地夺走她的行动能...
This powerful series delves into the Nazi regime’s “Last Secrets” with interviews of the remaining survivors of the Third Reich as well as contemporary experts. Featuring previously inaccessible arc...