酒吧保安道格·格拉特(西恩·威廉·斯科特 Seann William Scott 饰)体格强壮,行事略有呆气,在一次观看冰球比赛时将不满观众嘘声的球员痛揍,他的壮举经好友拍摄公布后引起大众注意,阴差阳错加入当地一支冰球队从头学起,充当队中暴徒角色。一场场血战为道格赢来了知名度,在教练的请托和引荐下,道格进入职业小联盟的刺客队,刺客队中有因为受伤而产生心理阴影的昔日王牌球员泽维尔,而道格的任务,即是...
A washed-up Irish boxer named Kid Snow is finally faced with a chance to redeem himself when he is offered a rematch against the man he fought a decade prior, on a night that changed his life foreve...
Based on the second book in the Casteel Series, Heaven has finally found the new life she always dreamed of with her newly discovered grandparents. Upon closer inspection, beauty and riches hide sinis...
该剧改编自真实事件。1988年12月21日,伦敦飞往纽约的泛美航空103号班机遭遇恐怖袭击,造成259名乘客和机组人员丧生,另有11名洛克比当地居民死亡。Jim Swire博士(科林·费尔斯 Colin Firth 饰)的女儿也在洛克比空难中遇难,他被提名为英国受害者家属的发言人,竭尽全力调查空难真相。...