Created by Chris Brancato and Paul Eckstein, and starring and executive produced by Oscar® winner Forest Whitaker, Godfather Of Harlem is inspired by the story of infamous crime boss Bumpy Johnson (Wh...
Tells the story of Barbara Lisicki and Alan Holdsworth, two disabled cabaret artists who met in1989 and became the driving force behind Direct Action Network - whose protests pushed disability rights ...
19世纪末的爱丁堡,在一个极度寒冷的冬天,痛苦的孕妇找到被人称作巫婆的玛德莲大夫(Marie Vincent 配音)。不久,一个孱弱的婴儿降临人间,但是这个小家伙的心都冻僵了,为此玛德莲帮他安装了机械心脏。孩子的生母不告而别,玛德莲将其作为亲生儿子抚养,并起名杰克(Mathias Malzieu 配音)。她告诫杰克不可以生气,避免强烈的情绪起伏,尤其要避免陷入爱恋。小杰克一天天长大,在他十岁的那年...