In seventeenth century England Lord Whitman wages unending war on what he sees as the ever-present scourge of witchcraft, and many local villagers have suffered at his hands. But one victim uses her o...
Vali and Mina are 2 sisters who oppose everything. One is a singer dreamer and emotional. The other is a therapist, distant and rational. Their father ends up finding the perfect opportunity to bring ...
在泰国,大多数大学都有新生欢迎活动,但对于部分大学新生来说,这并不是一件令人期待的事。因为在少数高校,高年级学生会借机“欺负”,甚至是“羞辱”新生,而“欺负”的传统呢。 其实源自所谓的论资排辈传统联合精神,英文简称为SOTUS(Seniority Order Tradition Union Spirit的缩写)。 故事就发生在严格秉承SOTUS精神的工程学院新生欢迎仪式上。 “Kongpho...