2017年,母星遭到毁灭的外星流亡者入侵地球。人类虽然用核武器打败对手,但也付出失去家园的惨痛代价。在接下来将近半个世纪的时光中,人类移民泰坦星(土卫六),不过仍有极少部分人类留在故土,扫荡残存的外星掠夺者。杰克·哈珀(汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise 饰)与维多利亚(安德丽亚·瑞斯波罗格 Andrea Riseborough 饰)即是留守者中的一员,他们的主要任务为保障遍布各地守护水萃取塔...
由苏格兰导演阿曼多·兰努奇(Armando Iannucci)执导的英语电影《斯大林之死》(The Death Of Stalin)近日开机拍摄,该片根据Fabien-Nury同名漫画改编,讲述了斯大林去世后苏共高层激烈的权力争斗。 饰演斯大林的是美国演员阿德里安‧麦克洛格林(Adrian Mcloughlin),金球奖得主杰弗瑞·塔伯(Jeffrey Tambor)将饰演苏联领导人马林科夫,史...
A team of loggers discover a meth cook site in the middle of the forest and are forced to fight for their lives while being hunted by a drug cartel....
A team of loggers discover a meth cook site in the middle of the forest and are forced to fight for their lives while being hunted by a drug cartel....
A team of loggers discover a meth cook site in the middle of the forest and are forced to fight for their lives while being hunted by a drug cartel....