Under the 'Evening Shadows', truth often plays hide and seek. Set in South India and Mumbai, 'Evening Shadows' is a tender heartwarming story about a mother-son bond that has to with...
Judith leads a double life: two lovers, two sons in France and one daughter in Switzerland. Entangled in secrets and lies, her lives begin to shatter....
夜总会艺人 Hap Smith 自从他的前搭档 Chick Allen 参军后有了新的表演:Hap 和可爱的新搭档 Betsy Carter 一起扮演一个士兵的小丑模仿。与此同时,Chick 正在本宁堡组织一场士兵表演,并发现他需要老搭档的帮助。为了进入基地,Hap 扮演一个倒霉的真正士兵 Dogface Dolan;但环境迫使他们延长化装舞会,造成越来越纠结的军队规模的混乱...