A story of friendship, love, marriage, secrets, and lies that unfolds between two couples in one apartment during a Sunday brunch that will affect their lives forever...
Follows Sara, head of the Toulouse police narcotics squad, who is forced to collaborate with Richard, the head of the local criminal police, to stop a go-fast between Spain and France and find the mur...
赫迪(马吉德·马斯图拉 Majd Mastoura 饰)的人生似乎从他出生的那一刻起就已经被确定好了,他所要做的一切,就只是按照母亲为他所铺设的道路一直往前走。长大后,赫迪成为了一名推销员,过着日复一日循规蹈矩的生活,他娶了母亲为他安排的女子为妻,婚姻生活亦十分的平淡。赫迪似乎从来都不曾体会过什么叫做生活的激情。 一天,赫迪在老板的安排下前往马迪亚出差,在那里,他遇见了名为瑞姆(瑞姆·本·马...